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Be the Master of Your Destiny in a Time of Uncertainty

We are in a time of crisis. Our work, our homes, our communities, our world, are undergoing radical change. The future is unknown. Our future plans, finances, and health are threatened by the thought and real possibility of injury and loss. This uncertainty is real. The current health pandemic threatens and affects every one of us. As hospital staff, on the forefront, we are called to deal with this threat, and manage our uncertainty.

The definition of uncertainty suggests that it is a subjective (personal) state of mind, and one’s response to it is unique as well. This means that the way we respond is in our control. Uncertainty is generally perceived negatively, however, there is enough evidence to support how uncertainty can serve us. Research suggests that we can use this state of uncertainly as a powerful tool for change as it can provoke deeper thought and reflection, and teach us lessons about life and ourselves. Uncertainty forces us to see how we can change ourselves within, particularly when we feel that we have no control on events impacting on us from outside. In order to transform the uncertainty being fostered by the current health crisis into opportunities for growth, the following ‘tips’ are offered.

See the treasure hidden in uncertainty – view times of uncertainty as an opportunity.

Practice self-care – continue healthy routines (e.g., exercise, nutrition, sleep), adapting where necessary.

Exercise self-compassion – be warm, kind and understanding of and to yourself.

Try new things – use this time as an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. Start a new hobby or learn new skills.

Avoid negative thought-patterns – be mindful and aware of our thought processes and make concerted efforts to be realistically optimistic at every opportunity.

Focus on what you CAN control – even the simplest things – like planning exercise sessions, meals, kid’s activities – this will give a sense of power in times when we feel powerless.

Nurture human connections – nurture your family, friend and work networks, even if it has to be virtually.

Practice gratitude – research suggests that regularly practicing gratitude can change our mindset. Keep a gratitude journal where you write what you were grateful for in the day, or tell your partner or family member every evening before dinner one thing you were grateful for on this day.

Reflect on how you overcome past challenges – remembering that ‘this too shall pass’.

Ask for help – If uncertainty is causing levels of distress that is unmanageable on your own, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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